Today I am featured on ‘Wots So Funee’

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 08:13 pm

I was ever so excited and very honored when Helen from ActuallyMummy asked if I would guest post for her amazing linky called “Wots So Funee” today. I jumped at the chance, because its one of my favorite linkys to link up to each week. I have a toddler that is just learning how to string words together to make sentences which is highly entertaining at the moment.

I had been sharing Buba’s funny anecdotes and language mishaps on my blog for Phrase Day Friday, every week when I finally stumbled onto “Wots So Funee”. I was excited to link up and read a ton of other funny toddler sayings as well as sharing my own toddler’s funees. If you have missed my phrase days, check out this week’s funny car driving conversations HERE.

Now, I look forward to ‘Wots So Funee’ every Tuesday morning. I get my cup of coffee, ย and I sign on to see who will have me roaring with laughter the most this week.

If you have never hear of it, pop over and check it out, HERE. I would love to know what you thought of my guest post funee! Comment below! If you have a funee post, link up below.

Wot So Funee?

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