Bumps & Babies Linky ~ 7/52

Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 10:16 pm

bumps and babies linky

Welcome to WEEK SEVEN…

I am hoping to blast this linky into a bigger community this year, I hope you will stick with me.

Since my most recent announcement of our baby news, I wanted to really embrace pregnancy, document not just my bump and how I am feeling but how the family is preparing for our third baby and most of all, share it with others going through it or have just gone through it too.

THUS, BUMPS & BABIES was born!


You must link back to me within your post.

Each week, I will host my Bumps & Babies Linky for any pregnancy related blog posts or up to a year baby milestones and all things babies. I hope this will create a beautiful and positive community where we are all in this together.

YOU CAN SHARE: pregnancy, birth stories, how to’s, baby milestones up to a year, bump updates, baby products, baby clothes, and baby gear! New or old posts or vlogs!

There is so much that happens between bumps to babies and I think it’s a great opportunity for other moms-to-be to stop by and gain a lot of advice, tips, and information all in one place from our blog posts linking up together. What do you think?

All I ask is that you comment on the host post in the first square and give some love to at least two others in the link up. Please provide a link back to my site https://www.letstalkmommy.com as gesture of goodwill for all my hard work hosting, commenting and sharing. You don’t have to use the badge at the bottom a hyperlink is fine but welcome if you prefer badges.

Please also don’t link dump they will be deleted, comments give others support and encouragement to keep coming back to share some more. Communities only work if we help each other. I will give shout outs to the bloggers linking up on my social media including my ig stories!!!


You just need to copy and paste your direct url to the post you want to share and click below to enter it along with your email address and you will see your thumbnail pop up in the columns below. Any problems or if this is your first time I am here to help just email me and I will be happy to go through it with you.


There will be no giveaway or favorite feature this week, sorry ladies, we are on holiday in Florida.

But I will still have linky live and sharing so don’t forget to tag me on facebook and twitter.


2 thoughts on “Bumps & Babies Linky ~ 7/52”

  1. Great idea for everyone to link up pregnancy and birth/baby posts! I’m new to this one but love it already – you’re right, so much goes on from bump to baby and we need little linky communities like this! Thank you for hosting

    • I am hoping to grow it much much bigger this year and get more involved. As I haven’t come across bump to baby posts linkys anywhere else. Invite your blogger/vlogger friends too if they had or having a baby. The more the merrier but most importantly WELCOME!!! It’s been quiet this week as I am on holiday but normally I comment, share, like all the posts and if you tag me on twitter I will reshare too. Thanks for joining in hope you enjoy it and hope together we can great a little new baby community.


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