Last updated on March 4th, 2024 at 10:09 pm
I can remember spending hours during my first pregnancy trying to find personal stories of what happened week by week. The internet was full of textbook answers of what you could expect and what was considered normal, but I was looking for real life experiences. I wanted the honest stories of people who had been through it and what the medical expectations meant in a real life scenario.
I have had 3 children now, and when I was pregnant with my 3rd I decided to document it week by week so that other’s can see how I felt and what changed at each stage. Plus it is fun to watch my bump grow!
Second Trimester
The point at which the second trimester starts varies depends on who you speak to. Some people think it is from 12 weeks, which is also when you have your first scan (in the UK), and others think it doesn’t start until 14 weeks. I have tracked my pregnancy from 12 weeks and so thats the point I’ve decided the second trimester starts.
This is my own personal second trimester experience. Not everyones will be the same of course, but hopefully you find some of my experiences helpful.

12 Weeks Pregnant
Finding out I was pregnant the third time wasn’t the fairytale story you imagine. Read More.

14 Weeks Pregnant
Clothes are getting tight and I have started making a maternity wish list. Read More.

15 Weeks Pregnant
We are finding out the gender of our baby tomorrow with a private scan. Read More.

16 Weeks Pregnant
My vertigo is acting up which makes the midwives a little nervous because it is the same symptoms of preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. Read More.

17 Weeks Pregnant
It feels weird that I am at the almost half way mark. I am twice the size than my previous two baby bumps at this stage. Read More.

18 Weeks Pregnant
The nesting clearly has set in much earlier this time for me than ever before. Read More.

19 Weeks Pregnant
I can feel him moving constantly now which is always a reassuring feeling. Read More.

20 Weeks Pregnant
Having my kids at the scan made it such a special moment. Them seeing their sibling on the screen for the first time and hearing the heart beat. Read More.

21 Weeks Pregnant
I am getting better sleep and more comfortable somehow even though I am bigger now. I am feeling baby move, kick, and flop every day. Read More.

22 Weeks Pregnant
Lately, little things keep slipping in my mind. Will he be healthy? Will he have the immune problem his brother has and his allergies problems too? Read More.

23 Weeks Pregnant
This week I’ve been battling a very bad dose of bronchitis. I am still on the war path of salty foods which I think is the result of all this bloating. Read More.

24 Weeks Pregnant
I now have regular routines of kicking and rolling around. Cravings have calmed down. Read More.

25 Weeks Pregnant
I have that itching to get everything done and yet so many weeks ahead to do. Read More.

26 Weeks Pregnant
The bump is getting heavy but tight and neat still. I haven’t fully started waddling like a duck. Read more.

27 Weeks Pregnant
Baby boy is still kicking nonstop now. Night and day, he seems to always be moving around. Read More.
Third Trimester
The start of the 3rd trimester feels like the end is in sight! In reality though there is still a long way to go and a lot can change over the final 12 or so weeks. The third trimester is when your baby bump really starts to pop out and every week it seems to just get bigger and bigger. Tiredness seems to feature a lot for some people, but I had some extra medical issues that made the third trimester particularly tough.

28 Weeks Pregnant
Pregnancy isn’t all roses and fairytales. While it looks all great it’s been the toughest week pregnant this week. Read More.

29 Weeks Pregnant
I am check things off my baby list, home list, work list and preparing for a slightly slower and calmer time when baby arrives. Read More.

30 Weeks Pregnant
My sleep is broken now. I guess that’s part of the end and also preparing me for all those night feeds. Read More.

31 Weeks Pregnant
I experienced my very first 4D Baby Scan last week which was just the most precious and amazing experience ever. Read More.

32 Weeks Pregnant
My bump is truly pulling on my back now. Baby boy is kicking and pushing down with his head more than ever before. I feel the added pressure in my pelvic floor. Read More.

33 Weeks Pregnant
I can’t stop thinking about having him here now. I feel guilty wanting my pregnancy to end early but I am too excited for baby number three to arrive. Read More.
Check out my section on ultimate guide to life with a newborn for tips to help you when the baby arrives

34 Weeks Pregnant
I am in the home stretch now. I can feel the head engage, the feet are up kicking my ribs. Read More.

35 Weeks Pregnant
I got a bit emotional the other night as I know it’s only a few weeks and I will never be pregnant again. Sleeping isn’t great so my mind is racing with when will he arrive. Read More.

36 Weeks Pregnant
My bump is measuring in the 92% charts instead of the 10% where it’s been from the beginning so they are concerned about his size. Read More.

37 Weeks Pregnant
I saw a consultant last week who said he would like to induce me but it was my choice if I wanted to try to wait a week or until my official due date. Read More.